
Nouveaux développements au Japon

Le livre "Globish the World Over", entièrement écrit en globish par Jean-Paul Nerrière et David Hon, est une nouvelle fois en cours de traduction au Japon. Il sera prochainement publié par la maison d'Edition Toyo Keizai. Cette perspective et la mise en place d'une alliance avec une entreprise de Tokyo pour la diffusion du globish ont fait l'objet du communiqué suivant:

Japanese Translation “Globish The World Over” from Toyo Keizai in March 2011; GHDJ teams with Globish Solutions

Toyo Keizai, established in 1895 and the leading books and magazine publisher in Japan, has contracted to publish and distribute the Japanese language version of Globish The World Over, by Jean-Paul Nerrière and David Hon.  The book was the first in the world written entirely in Globish, to demonstrate the ability of Globish to communicate important ideasand sold first as an e-book, and a paperback on the web site. Since its e-book publication last year, Globish The World Over has been translated into 7 other languages including Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Polish, Dutch and Hungarian.  Globish books of Mr. Nerrière have been popular in France, Italy, Spain and most notably in South Korea.

Globish Solutions, owners of the web site, is proud to announce a Business Alliance with Global Human Development Japan (GHDJ) in Japan, starting with GHDJ's acting as an agent for the publication of “Globish The World Over”.  This Business Alliance will be for the purpose of providing better services to students of the English Language and jointly developing new products and services in the fast growing market for Business English in Japan. The first of these will be offered starting in spring of 2011. Globish-English has been suggested by numerous Japanese people since it was taken up through Weekly Toyo Keizai magazine in September, 2010 to fill the need for widespread English in world dealings. 

GHDJ is working in Japan to distribute Globish concept and its usefulness on business, as Japanese people are facing globalization.  GHDJ was established in May, 2010 by the people who have been working for global companies and organizations for many years.   The members aim to share their expertise with the younger people and support all levels of companies who challenge to become global members.   GHDJ provides seminars and business consultations as well as medical information in global arena. 

Rubriques disponibles

Winners speak Globish

An ebook by Elisabeth Noble

Une Anglophone de naissance consacre un livre au "Globish", facile à lire, bien documenté, plein d'anecdotes et d'observations inédites.
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Winners speak Globish

A native English speaker wrote a book about "Globish". It is full of anecdotes, easy to read even for non Native English speakers, and it gives a fair and balanced representation of the Globish concept.
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fr-FR 38,4% fr-FR
United States 13,5% United States
Canada 9,1% Canada
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China 4,9% China




Translations of Globish The World Over

Globish IN Globish - (GNG)

Globish IN Globish est un cours en auto-apprentissage facile à utiliser tout autant sur un ordinateur que sur n’importe quel téléphone portable muni d’une connexion à Internet. Pour l’utiliser, il vous faut être capable de lire et comprendre les 35 mots les plus communs en anglais, et donc repris en globish (les tests ont montré que ceux qui avaient quitté l’école le plus tôt possible maîtrisaient 850 mots d’anglais, ne serait-ce que parce que nous les utilisons dans le quotidien du français). Dès que vous pensez en dominer plus que 350, vous pouvez débuter au niveau que choisirez, en rapport avec votre capacité.
Les deux premières leçons vous sont offertes gratuitement  sur tout ordinateur muni d’un accès à internet.
En travaillant exclusivement en globish, vous pouvez rapidement apprendre la grammaire, et des mots nouveaux, avec leur prononciation, dans le cadre d’une histoire contextuelle. L’apprenant qui arrive au terme de Globish IN Globish devrait se trouver parfaitement à l’aise du niveaux B1-B2 attribués par le « Common European Framework of Reference for Languages » (CEFR).

Globish IN Globish - (GNG)

Globish IN Globish is an extensive self-study course in Globish that is easy to use on either any standard computer with Internet capability. To use it you must be able to read the most-common 350 words in Globish/English. Then you can begin at any point that matches your ability. Try the first two lessons now, for free, on either your mobile phone or on a computer that has Internet.
By working only in Globish, you can quickly learn both grammar, and new words with pronunciation, in a story context. The student who completes Globish IN Globish should be quite capable at B1-B2 (English) levels given by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Éditions internationales

CoréeCoréeLes deux éditions
parues en Corée
ItalieParution en Italie
EspagneParution en Espagne
ChineChineLes deux éditions
parues en chine.